May 16, 2014

$100 Giveaway with LuLu*s! (CLOSED)

***Entries for this giveaway are now closed***

Raise your hand if you want to get your shopping spree on!! Girl, I see that hand, you can stop jumping up and down now…

LuLu*s shares my love of all things cute so today I am giving away a $100 gift card to LuLu*s for one lucky winner to have their own mini summer shopping spree. What summer items have you been searching for? Cute sandals? Tank tops? Flirty dresses? This just might be your lucky day!

To enter, just leave a comment with a link to your favorite LuLu*s item and a winner will be drawn at random on Friday, May 23rd. Good Luck!signature

159 thoughts on “$100 Giveaway with LuLu*s! (CLOSED)

  1. Nikki

    There’s a whole bunch of stuff I’d pick from there! But most desperately need some sort of fabulous new swimsuit for summer 🙂

  2. Logan Fisher

    I’ve been shopping at Lulu*s since high school, believe it or not! Absolutely love everything I’ve ever purchased from shoes to dresses!

    I just realized that I only have one pair of shorts that fit since I lost weight and am TOTALLY ogling the Scallop Town Girl shorts in black.

  3. Julia R.

    Thanks for doing a giveaway! I love these shoes–
    They’re the perfect way to jazz up an outfit!

  4. Jennie Murray

    I have been eyeing the ‘That’s a Wrap Blue Long Sleeve ‘ dress by Honey Punch! This would be the perfect dress for those special occasions when I want to look effortlessly chic! So affordable too!

  5. AnnaLise

    I’m feeling like the O’Neill Evie Distressed Denim Overalls want to come home to me!! LOL! So cute! I also love love love the bag you have!! Great giveaway! Thanks! 🙂

  6. actuallysamantha

    Otter 2 yellow ankle strap sandals will make my feet so happy after being hidden in socks and boots all winter!

  7. Gemma

    What a brilliant give away!! Who doesn’t love!! PLUS, have you seen their festival fashion range?? I don’t know how it’s possible to choose just one piece. Sandals, strappy dresses, kimono jackets, sunglasses….

    I am, however, incredibly fond of this:

    LULUS Exclusive Just a Twirl Navy, nautical striped dress!!

    Good luck everyone!

    Faded Windmills

  8. Carolsue

    This is a hrd choice, but I do like the Pink Key Sandra Gold Moccasin Flats a lot! Also the How Dare Chic Blush Tank Top…..
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  9. Emily

    Wow, I wasn’t familiar with this company before, but they’ve got great stuff!! I love their maxi dresses. This will definitely be a bit of a rabbit hole… 🙂

  10. Alicia Marie

    THESE [] are the perfect summer sandal! I hope to win!

  11. Kaitlin

    Totally love any dress with sleeves they have! Especially the Stun House Teal Dress. It’s nice to have dress options for when you don’t want to wear something with just straps.

  12. Mekeesha

    These would be perfect for a wedding I’m in on the 31st! I also learned just now that there is really cute and affordable jewelry on this site. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    Unrelated, I was at track 29 in Chattanooga recently and saw the finger pointing decal on the side of the building and thought of you. Weird, I know. 🙂

  13. Christina

    Can I still win if my husband is best friends with your little brother? I would love some wedges!
    Xoxo Christina Ashton

  14. Jackie

    I never thought I could find something this beautiful that quickly – their stuff is amazing! {}


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